Province of Yukon

The Yukon, a territory in northwest Canada, is wild, mountainous and sparsely populated. Kluane National Park and Reserve includes Mount Logan, Canada’s highest peak, as well as glaciers, trails and the Alsek River. In the far north is Ivvavik National Park, with protected calving grounds for Porcupine caribou. In the south are numerous glacier-fed alpine lakes, including boldly coloured Emerald Lake.


To be eligible for this program you should have:
  • At least a high school diploma. If your business requires more education, you must also provide proof of these credentials.
  • At least Three years of entrepreneurial or business management experience;
  • At least five years work experience that is relevant to your business;
  • Never been denied immigration by the Government of Canada;
  • No active applications for any other provincial or territorial nominee program;
  • A net worth of at least $500,000 CAD. You must also have documentation and verification by a Yukon accounting firm that you obtained it through legal means;
  • A minimum of $300,000 in liquid assets. This includes things like cash, bonds and cash derivatives. You must also have documentation and verification by a Yukon accounting firm that you obtained it through legal means;
  • Intend to permanently live in Yukon;
  • Capital investments include purchases such as property or equipment. It does not include purchases such as a house, vehicles that are only partially for the business and operational or maintenance expenses. in demand occupations: Information technology, Manufacturing, Value added processing, Forestry, tourism products, attractions, services, facilities, energy, mining or mineral development, agriculture, cultural industries and film & production.

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